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3.2.4 MUF Library Reference
The standard database and package of programs includes the following
programming libraries:
lib-look |
lib-match |
lib-mesg |
lib-mesgbox |
lib-props |
lib-reflist |
lib-strings |
lib-stackrng |
Note: Since the libararies were written, many of the functions they
provide have been defined as MUF primitives. The libraries
are retained in their current form for compatibility with existing
programs. If a primitive providing the functionality you want is
available, it will be more efficient than a library call. For more
information on using libraries, see Section
Functions by Library:
An ingenious library that uses a few simple $defines to
give MUF `case' or `switch' handling like you would
find in other programming languages. See the program's header
comment for a good, terse explanation.
case |
default |
end |
endcase |
default |
This library includes string-editing routines, with capabilities for
handling ranges of strings such as would be present by reading a
list or range from a list onto the stack.
EDITcenter |
EDITcopy |
EDITdisplay |
EDITformat |
EDITfmt_rng |
EDITjoin |
EDITjoin_rng |
EDITindent |
EDITleft |
EDITlist |
EDITmove |
EDITreplace |
EDITright |
EDITsearch |
EDITshuffle |
EDITsort |
EDITsplit |
instring |
STRasc |
STRchr |
STRright |
rinstring |
A set of functions providing an interface with the list editor.
Note: this library is in the public domain, but its terms of use
state that the author of the library, Foxen, must be credited in the
header comment of any program that makes use of it.
EDITORloop |
EDITORparse |
EDITORheader |
This library provides a set of routines for handling `indexes'. See
Indexes. Note: There are two
versions of this library in circulation. Currently,
basedb.db and fbmuf provide the older
version. The second version — which may or may not be available
on your MUCK — provides the additional public
routines index-setmatchstr, ,
index-getmatchstr, and index-propname. Use
@view $lib/index to determine which version you have.
The standard version is discussed here. Also, the standard version
as implemented by basedb.db and the upload script in
fbmuf only set _def/ props in the
.period-prefix form: routine names must be joined with
a leading period in your code, unless the wizards on your
MUCK have added the no-period form. Example: to use
the routine index-add, put .index-add in
your code. (The newer version may or may not require the
.format ). There are some problems with the
implementation of several functions in this library, as discussed in
individual entries below. |
index-add |
index-add-sort |
index-delete |
index-envmatch |
index-match |
index-matchrange |
index-remove |
index-set |
index-value |
index-write |
A library of matching functions.
.noisy_match |
.noisy_pmatch |
.controls |
.match_controlled |
.multi_rmatch |
.table_match |
.std_table_match |
Lib-Lmgr is one of several libraries holding functions used by
lsedit. These functions are also useful for other
programs that need to manipulate lists without going through the
list editor, or to create their own list editors. Note: The
documentation provided in the program's header comment, and listed
with @view, is inaccurate. The function
LMGR-CopyRange (listed in the header) does not exist,
but the following undocumented public functions do: LMGR-PutBRange, LMGR-GetCount, and LMGR-SetCount. The public
function LMGR-ExtractRange (undocumented, but included
as a _def/ ) does not work. Despite the inaccuracies of
documentation, the functions provided by Lib-Lmgr are
useful and efficient, and provide a number of capabilities not
duplicated by primitives.
LMGR-ClearElem |
LMGR-ClearRange |
LMGR-DeleteList |
LMGR-DeleteRange |
LMGR-FullRange |
LMGR-GetBRange |
LMGR-GetCount |
LMGR-GetElem |
LMGR-Getlist |
LMGR-GetRange |
LMGR-InsertRange |
LMGR-MoveRange |
LMGR-PutBRange |
LMGR-PutElem |
LMGR-PutRange |
LMGR-SetCount |
A set of routines adapted to `look' functions. Note: the
standard version of lib-look as implemented by
basedb.db and the upload script in fbmuf
only set _def/ props in the .period-prefix
form: routine names must be joined with a leading period in your
code, unless the wizards on your MUCK have added the
no-period form. Example: to use the routine
`safecall', put `.safecall' in your code.
contents-filter |
cmd-look |
db-desc |
dbstr-desc |
get-contents |
list-contents |
long-display |
safecall |
short-display |
short-list |
str-desc |
unparse |
This library provides functions for handling `messages'. See Messages.
MSG-append |
MSG-count |
MSG-create |
MSG-destroy |
MSG-info |
MSG-insitem |
MSG-item |
MSG-message |
MSG-setinfo |
MSG-setitem |
MSG-delitem |
A library of message and message-box handling routines. See Messages.
MBOX-append |
MBOX-badref? |
MBOX-count |
MBOX-create |
MBOX-delmesg |
MBOX-destroy |
MBOX-insmesg |
MBOX-message |
MBOX-msginfo |
MBOX-num2ref |
MBOX-ref2num |
MBOX-ref2prop |
MBOX-setinfo |
MBOX-setmesg |
This library contains several useful property-handling functions.
setpropstr |
envprop |
envsearch |
locate-prop |
A library of reflist-handling routines. See Reflists.
REF-add |
REF-delete |
REF-first |
REF-next |
REF-inlist? |
REF-list |
REF-allrefs |
REF-filter |
REF-editlist |
This library provides a number of routines for formating strings.
instring |
rinstring |
STRasc |
STRblank? |
STRchar |
STRcenter |
STRfillfield |
STRleft |
STRrsplit |
STRright |
STRsls |
STRsms |
STRsplit |
STRstrip |
STRsts |
This library provides routines for handling items within a specified
range of the stack. See Ranges
sr-catrng |
sr-copyrng |
sr-deleterng |
sr-extractrng |
sr-filterrng |
sr-insertrng |
sr-poprng |
sr-swaprng |
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case ( -- )
Begins a case statement. See header for lib-case.
(Lib-Case) [top]
cmd-look ( s -- )
Does a match function on s, then calls
db-desc with the results, simulating the server
look command. (Lib-Look) [top]
contents-filter ( a d -- d' ... d'' i )
Takes the address of a `filter' function and a dbref, and returns the
objects from d's contents for which the filter function
returns true (1 ) as a range on the stack. The first item
found (the `top' of a Contents or Carrying
list) will be at the start of the range. Example:
: PlayerCheck ( d -- i )
player? if 1 else 0 then
: GetPlayers ( -- d' ... d'' i )
`PlayerCheck me @ location contents-filter
This code puts all the players in the room on the stack as a range of
dbrefs, filtering out objects of other types. `PlayerCheck
(a function name joined with an ` apostrophe) puts the
address of the the filter function PlayerCheck function on
the stack. (Lib-Look) [top]
.controls ( d1 d2 -- i )
Returns true if player d1 controls object
d2. The same capability is provided by the CONTROLS primitive.
(Lib-Match) [top]
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db-desc ( d -- )
Prints a description of d, including the name and
triggering succ and fail if d is a room. The desc is not
parsed for MPI. Programs run with d stored in
the variable trigger. (Lib-Look) [top]
dbstr-desc ( d s -- )
Prints s as a description, like str-desc,
using d as the effective trigger value. The string is not
parsed for MPI. (Lib-Look) [top]
default ( x -- )
Declares default action to take if no cases in a case
statement test true. See header for lib-case. (Lib-Case) [top]
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EDITcenter ( range ... offset i1 i2 i3 -- range' )
Center justifies all strings between position1 and
position2 for a screen i1 characters wide.
That is, the strings are padded to a length of i1
characters with leading and trailing spaces. (Lib-Edit) [top]
EDITcopy ( {rng} ... offset dest start end -- {rng'}
... )
Copies text within a string range from one line to another, inserting
it in the new location. (Lib-Edit) [top]
EDITdisplay ( range -- )
Displays the range of strings on the stack to the user. See also EDITlist. (Lib-Edit) [top]
EDITformat ( range ... c i1 i2 -- range' )
Formats the strings in range to strings between right
margin i1 and wrap margin i2 in length. Short
strings are joined to fill this field width; long strings are split at
the last occurance of split character c found between
i1 and i2. See aslo EDITfmt_rng. (Lib-Edit) [top]
EDITfmt_rng ( range ... offset i position1 position2 --
range' )
Formats the strings of the range between position1 and
position2 to strings i characters wide,
splitting long strings and joining short strings. A string that consists
only of spaces is considered a paragraph delimiter and is not joined.
i must be equal to or greater then 20. The
string at position1 must 2 or more characters
long. See also EDITformat.
(Lib-Edit) [top]
EDITindent ( range ... offset i position1 position2 --
range' )
Indents all strings between position1 and
position2 by i spaces. That is, the strings
are padded with i space characters. If i is a
negative number, it reduces indentation by i characters,
but will not unindent past the left margin. (Lib-Edit) [top]
EDITjoin ( range -- s )
Joins a range of strings on the stack into one string.
(Lib-Edit) [top]
EDITjoin_rng ( range ... offset position1 position2 --
range' )
Joins the lines of the subrange between position1 and
position2 into a single string, returning the string range
that results. Leading and trailing spaces are stripped from the strings
to be joined, and a single space is inserted in the combined string at
points where strings were joined. See also EDITjoin. (Lib-Edit) [top]
EDITleft ( range ... offset position1 position2 --
range' )
Left justifies all strings between position1 and
position2. That is, leading spaces are stripped from these
strings. (Lib-Edit) [top]
EDITlist ( range ... offset i1 i2 i3 -- range
Prints the strings i2 to i3 from range to
the user's screen. If i1 is true, the lines will be
prepended with line numbers. See also EDITdisplay. (Lib-Edit) [top]
EDITOR ( range -- range' s )
Puts the user in the list editor, using range as the values for the
list. The list can be interactively edited as with command lsedit. Exits
with the modified range and the editor's exit string (end
or abort ) on the stack. See also EDITORloop. (Lib-Editor) [top]
EDITORheader ( -- )
Prints the standard header informing the user that he is entering the
list editor and giving succinct help. Called automatically by
< Entering editor. Type `.h' on a line by itself for help.
< `.end' will exit the editor. `.abort' aborts the edit.
< Poses and says will pose and say as usual. To start a
< line with : or " just preceed it with a period (`.') >
(Lib-Editor) [top]
EDITORloop ( range s1 i1 -- range' s1 i2 s2 i3 i4 s3
Puts the user in the list editor, using range as the
values for the lines of the list. The list can be interactively edited
as with command lsedit. The EDITOR function provides similar
functionality; EDITORloop gives greater control over data
passed to and from the editor.
EDITORloop takes a range, a space-separated string
s1 containing any commands that can be used to return from
the editor in addition to end and abort,
cursor position i1, and the first editor command to be
EDITORloop returns the modified range, the string
s1, the cursor postion at time-of-exit, exit arguments
s2, i3, and i4, and the command
string used to exit the editor on the stack. Exit arguments are
parameters returned to the program when EDITORloop exits.
They follow the syntax of other editor commands:
command start_line end_line = argument_string
start_line is i3. end_line is
i4. argument_string is s2.
Example: Suppose you create a program that allows players included in a
list holding their dbrefs to update documents in a news reader program.
The program includes and #admin function that puts the user
into the editor to modify this list. You want to include, in your
version of the editor, a command that shows the names of the players who
are currently in the list, optionally followed by information such as
the last time they logged on or their position/title in the
MUCK news staff. The user could then display the names (and
other information) for players whose dbrefs are in the list, or a range
from the list, by entering .names or .names
<range> or .names [<range>] =
<field>. You could do this by reading the list onto the
stack and supplying names as a command string that would
cause EDITORloop to return, with code such as the
"_staff" trig LMGR-Getlist (*read list onto stack as a range*)
"names" over 1 + ".i" EDITORloop (*put user in editor, ready to insert
text, at the next free line, with
`names' defined as a .command that
will cause EDITORloop to return*)
If the user typed .names while at line 6 of a 12-line
list of dbrefs, the following would be put on the stack:
... #123, 12, "names", 6, "", 0, 0, "names"
Using comparison primitives such as SMATCH or STRINGCMP, you could check the top value on the stack and, if it is the string "names" (as it is here), execute a ShowNames function in your program, then return to the editor with another instance of EDITORloop.
If the user had typed .names 1 8, the following would be
put on the stack:
... #123, 12, "names", 6, "", 1, 8, "names"
Your ShowNames function would need to use the values
1 and 8 to show only names for the dbrefs in
lines 1 - 8.
If the user had typed .names 1 - 8 = title, the
following would be put on the stack:
... #123, 12, "names", 6, "title", 1, 8, "names"
ShowNames would use this information to show the names
of players listed in lines 1 - 8 of the list, concattenated with their
title... perhaps a value stored in their _news/title
property. See also EDITOR.
(Lib-Editor) [top]
EDITORparse ( range s1 i1 s2 -- range' s1 i1 i2 )
Parses range with the editor command s2, returning the
modified range, the original paramaters s1 and
i1, and the last line handled as i2.
"mink" "otter" "linsang" 3
"quit" 1 ".indent 1 3 = 5" EDITORparse
This would enter and exit the editor, indenting each string in the
range by 5 spaces, with the last line handled on top of the stack as
i2. The standard editor output would be shown to the user:
< Indented 3 lines starting at line 1, 5 columns. >
(Lib-Editor) [top]
EDITmove ( {rng} ... offset dest start end -- {rng'} ...
Moves text within a string range from one line to another location,
deleting the original. (Lib-Edit) [top]
EDITreplace ( range ... offset s1 s2 position1
position2 -- range' )
Performs a case-sensitive seach of the range items from
position1 to position1, inclusive, for all
occurances of string s1, replacing each with string
s2. (Lib-Edit) [top]
EDITright ( range ... offset i position1 position2 --
range' )
Right justifies all strings between position1 and
position2 for a screen width of i characters.
That is, these strings are padded with trailing spaces to a string
length of i characters. (Lib-Edit) [top]
EDITsearch ( range ... offset s position -- range ... i2
Perfroms a case-sensitive search of the strings in range
for an occurance of string s. The search begins with the
item at position. i2 is the position of the
first item that includes an occurance of string s.
(Lib-Edit) [top]
EDITshuffle ( range -- range' )
Randomizes the order items in a range. (Lib-Edit) [top]
EDITsort ( range i1 i2 -- range' )
Alphabetically sorts range. If i1 is true,
the sort will be in descending order: "aardvark" would be
near the top of the stack and "zebra" would be near the
bottom. If i2 is true, the sort will be case-sensitive:
"Leviathon" would be come before "lapidary",
since "L" and "l" are two different characters
in a case-sensitive comparison, with "L" preceding
"l". (Lib-Edit) [top]
EDITsplit ( s c i1 i2 -- range )
Splits string s on the last split character
c found between right margin i1 and wrap
margin i2. If no split character is found in this range,
the string is split at right margin i1. (Lib-Edit)
end ( -- )
Declares the end of an action block in a case statement.
See header for lib-case. (Lib-Case) [top]
endcase ( -- )
Ends a case statement. See header for lib-case.
(Lib-Case) [top]
envprop ( d s -- s' )
Searches up the environment tree from object d, looking
for a property with the name s. Envprop
returns the value stored in the first occurance of prop s
found, or a null string if it wasn't found. (Lib-Props) [top]
envsearch ( d s -- d' )
Searches up the environment tree from object d for an
occurance of property s. Envsearch returns the
dbref of the first object the property is found on, or #-1
if the propety is not found. (Lib-Props) [top]
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get-contents ( d -- d' ... d'' i )
Passes the contents of object d through a standard
filter that emulates a server contents list: dark rooms do not have
contents lists, unless you control the objects or the room; dark objects
you don't control do not show; you do not show. Those objects which
would show in a Contents/Carrying list by these criteria
are returned as a range of dbrefs. The first contained object (the `top'
of a Contents or Carrying list) is at the
start of the range. (Lib-Look) [top]
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index-add ( d s1 s2 s3 -- i )
Adds name s2, associated with value s3, to
index s1 on object d. Returns error code
i. If s2 is already a member of the index
(matching exactly), index-add returns error code 0, and no
changes are made to the index. Otherwise, the name and value are added
to the index and error code 1 is returned (operation
successful). See also Indexes and std-index-add . (Lib-Index)
index-add-sort ( d s1 s2 s3 -- i )
Like index-add, index-add-sort adds name s2 and value s3 to index s1, stored on object d. index-add always adds a name to the end of the index; Index-add-sort, in theory, inserts the new name in alphabetical order, immediately before the element it would precede alphabetically. In theory, if names are always added to the index with this routine, the index will remain in alphabetical order. However, this function does not behave as advertised: like index-add, it always puts new names at the end of the index. Returns error code i: 1 is `no error: item added', 0 is `error: name already a member of index; index unchanged'. See also Indexes and std-index-add . (Lib-Index) [top]
index-delete ( d s1 s2 -- )
Removes name s2, and its associated value, from index
s1 on object d, with no error checking. See
also Indexes and std-index-delete . (Lib-Index)
index-first ( d s1 -- s2 )
Returns the first name in index s1 on object
d as s2. See also Indexes and std-index-first .
(Lib-Index) [top]
index-envmatch ( d s1 s2 -- d2 s3 i )
Returns name s2 from index s1 on object
d as s3, the object on which the name was
found as d2, and error code i (1
if no error; 0 if no match). If no match is found on
d, continues searching up the environment tree, checking
indexes called s2 on these objects as well. If index
s1 is was created with index-add, or with
index-setmatchstr with the `w' name parameter,
index-envmatch will return the first match found. That is,
there is no check for ambiguity. See also Indexes
and std-index-envmatch .
(Lib-Index) [top]
index-last ( d s1 -- s2 )
In theory, returns the last name in index s1 on
object d as s2. In practice, returns a null string. See
also Indexes and std-index-last .
(Lib-Index) [top]
index-match ( d s1 s2 -- s2' i )
Returns name s2 from index s1 on object
d and error code 1 (no error) if
s2 is a member of index s1. If s2
is not a member of s1, index-match returns a
null string and error code 0 (error: no
match ). If index s1 was created with
index-add, or with index-setmatchstr with the
`w' name parameter, index-match will return
the first match found. That is, there is no check for ambiguity. If the
index was created with index-setmatchstr without the
`w' parameter, only complete, explicit matches will be
returned, in which case ambiguity is impossible. See also Indexes and std-index-match .
(Lib-Index) [top]
index-matchrange ( d s1 s2 -- string_range )
Performs a partial-word match search on all members of index
s1 on object d, returning those which match
true as a string range (see Ranges). Ignores
match-type parameters: any full or partial matches will be returned. Not
available in `std-' form. See also Indexes. (Lib-Index) [top]
index-next ( d s1 s2 -- s3 )
Returns the name immediately following name s2 from
index s1 on object d. See also Indexes and std-index-next .(Lib-Index)
index-prev ( d s1 s2 -- s3 )
Returns the name immediately preceding name s2 from
index s1 on object d. See also Indexes and std-index-prev .(Lib-Index)
index-remove ( dbref index name -- error )
Removes name s2 and its associated value from index s1 on object d, and
returns an error code: 1 if the name existed in the index and was
successfully removed, and 0 otherwise. See also Indexes and std-index-remove .
(Lib-Index) [top]
index-set ( d s1 s2 s3 -- i )
Adds name s2, associated with value s3, to
index s1 on object d, and returns error code
i. Unlike index-add and
index-write, this routine does not check for and return
errors: if the name is not presently a member of the index, it will be
added; if the name is already a member, its value will be edited. See
also Indexes and std-index-set . (Lib-Index)
index-value ( d s1 s2 -- s3 )
Returns the value associated with name s2 in index
s1 on object d. If the index does not include
name s1, s3 will be a null string.See also Indexes and std-index-value .
(Lib-Index) [top]
index-write ( d s1 s2 s3 -- i )
In index s1 on object d, sets the value of
existing index member with name s2 to value
s3. Returns error code i: 1 is
`no error: value changed', 0 is `error:
name not a member of this index; index unchanged'. See also Indexes and std-index-write .
(Lib-Index) [top]
"In theory, there's no difference between theory and practice. But in
practice, there is." Keep this firmly in mind when working with
Lib-Index functions. The following is a brief discussion of how
Lib-Index functions are supposed to work. However, several do not behave
as advertised. Such cases are noted in the entries for specific
Lib-Index functions.
An index is a set of name/value pairs. The index as a whole is stored
as a set of associated properties, in a single propdir, consisting of a
list of all elements (stored as a single string) and a property for each
`name', which holds a `value' associated with the name.
Most routines are also available in `std-' form (the
routine name is prefaced with std-, such as
.index-add to .std-index-add ). Routines which
store information (add members to the index) have the following stack
( d s1 s2 s3 -- d s1 s2 s3 i )
where d is the object the index is stored on, s1 is the name of the index, s2 is the `name' value, and s3 is the `value' value. All four items are left on the stack unchanged, and an integer error code is returned: 1 for `no error: item successfully added', and 0 for `error: s2 is already a member of the index; index unchanged'.
Routines that retrieve information (perform matches) have the
following stack effect:
( d s1 s2 s3 -- d s1 s2' s4 i )
where d is the object the index is stored on,
s1 is the name of the index, s2 is the name to
be matched, and s3 is a string holding 1 - 3 characters
specifying matching criteria:
x: exact match only, ignores the index itself
e: exit-style match: exact match of ;-separated value, and select the
first match found if there are more than one
w: normal operation: match the beginning of a space separated word,
and fail if more than one matched. So, `mat' matches `mattress'
and `lit match', but not `rematch'.
Arguments d and s1 are left on the stack
unchanged. The name to be matched is, if found, returned as
s2'. If the match was unsuccessful, s2' will
be a null string. If s2 were a partial match,
s2' would be returned as the full name. The match criteria
paramters, s3, are returned as null string s4.
Finally, an error code is returned (1 is no error, match
successful; 0 is error, match unsuccessful).
The default matching criteria (employed with routines called
without the std- prefix) is xew : all
three criteria are used, and the first match made by any of the criteria
will be returned. [top]
instring ( s1 s2 -- i )
Returns the position of the first occurance of s2 in
s1, case-insensitive. The same capability is provided by
the INSTRING primitive.
(Lib-Strings) [top]
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list-contents ( s d -- )
Calls get-contents followed by long-display
to print out all of the contents of the given dbref. If there are any
contents listed, then the string on the stack is printed out, for
"Contents:" or the like. If the contents list is empty, the
string is ignored. The triggering player's name is omitted from the
contents list of a room (that is, you don't see yourself listed).
(Lib-Look) [top]
LMGR-ClearElem ( i s d -- )
Clears the content of line i from list s on
object d. The size of the list (number of lines) remains
unchanged. [top]
LMGR-ClearRange ( i1 i2 s d -- )
Clears i1 lines from list s on object
d, beginning with line i2. The number of lines
in the list does not change. See also LMGR-DeleteRange [top]
LMGR-DeleteList ( s d -- )
Deletes list s from object d. [top]
LMGR-DeleteRange ( i1 i2 s d -- )
Deletes i1 lines from list s on object
d, beginning with line i2. Lines in the
orginal list positioned after line i2 are shifted to
earlier positions. See also LMGR-ClearRange. [top]
LMGR-FullRange ( s d -- i 1 s d )
Returns the count of lines in list s, an index value of
1, and string s and dbref d
unchanged. These are the parameters that would be needed to put a
complete list on the stack using LMGR-GetRange. [top]
LMGR-GetBRange ( i1 i2 s d -- range )
Returns puts i1 lines from list s on object
d, followed by their count, on the stack, beginning with
line i2. The first line of the list will be closest to the
top of the stack. See also LMGR-GetRange. [top]
LMGR-GetCount ( s d -- i )
Returns the count of lines in list s on object
d. [top]
LMGR-GetElem ( i s d -- )
Returns the content of line i from list s on
object d. [top]
LMGR-Getlist ( s1 d -- s s' ... s'' i )
Puts the contents of list s1 on object d
and the total number of lines on the stack. [top]
LMGR-GetRange ( i1 i2 s d -- range )
Puts i1 lines from list s on object
d, followed by their count, on the stack, beginning with
line i2. The last line of the list will be closest to the
top of the stack. See also LMGR-GetBRange. [top]
LMGR-InsertRange ( sx sx' ... sx'' i1 i2 s d --
Inserts i1 strings (range sx sx' ... sx'' )
in list s on object d, beginning with line
i1. Lines in the original list positioned after
i2 are shifted to later positions. See also LMGR-PutRange [top]
LMGR-MoveRange ( i1 i2 i3 s d -- )
Moves the contents of the i2 lines of list
s on object d, beginning at line
i3, to the lines beginning at line i1. The
contents of lines i1 to i1+i2 are
over-written. [top]
LMGR-PutBRange ( sx sx' ... sx'' i1 i2 s d --
Stores i1 strings (range sx sx' ... sx'' )
in list s on object d, beginning with line
i2. The string at the top of the range is stored at line
i2, and the remaining strings are stored on successive
lines (in other words, strings are stored in descending order). on The
previous contents of the lines are over-written. See also LMGR-PutRange and LMGR-InsertRange. [top]
LMGR-PutElem ( s1 i s2 d -- )
Stores string s1 in line i of list
s2 on object d. The previous contents of the
line are over-written. [top]
LMGR-PutRange ( sx sx' ... sx'' i1 i2 s d --
Stores i1 strings (range sx sx' ... sx'' )
in list s on object d, beginning with line
i2. The string at the bottom of the range is stored at line
i2, and the remaining strings are stored on successive
lines (in other words, strings are stored in ascending order). on The
previous contents of the lines are over-written. See also LMGR-PutBRange and LMGR-InsertRange. [top]
LMGR-SetCount ( i s d -- )
Sets the count of lines for list s on object d to
i. [top]
locate-prop ( d s -- d' )
Given a property name and dbref, locate-prop finds the property,
whether on the dbref itself, an environment of the dbref, or a proploc
of the dbref. If no matching property is found, returns
#-1. (Lib-Props) [top]
long-display ( d' ... d'' i -- )
Prints the string form of a range of dbrefs to the user's screen, using unparse to determine the strings' format. The start of the range is printed first. Example:
me @ location get-contents long-display
This code duplicates the Contents portion of a server
look in a room (note: the same effect could be achieved with a single
library call to `list-contents'). (Lib-Look) [top]
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.match_controlled ( s -- d )
Searches the vacinity for objects with names matching s,
like .noisy_match and with similar messages for negative or ambiguous
results, but returns #-1 and prints "Permission
denied." if the user does not control the found object.
(Lib-Match) [top]
MBOX-append ( range s1 s2 d -- i )
Creates a new message with base s2 on object
d, with items range, on object d,
appending it to existing messages in the box. The newly-created
message's number is returned. (Lib-Mesgbox) [top]
MBOX-badref? ( i s d -- i' )
Returns true if message item i in the message with base
s on object d does not exist.
(Lib-Mesgbox) [top]
MBOX-count ( s d -- i )
Returns the number of messages contained in message box is on object
d. (Lib-Mesgbox) [top]
MBOX-create ( s d -- )
Creates a new message box with base s on object
d with no messages in it. This consists of a property
`<base>#/i' with the string 0 stored in
it. (Lib-Mesgbox) [top]
MBOX-delmesg ( refnum base dbref -- )
Delete the given message number in the message box. It moves the rest
of the messages after it up in the message box. [top]
MBOX-destroy ( s d -- )
Destroys message box s on object d and all
of its contents. (Lib-Mesgbox) [top]
MBOX-insmesg ( range s1 i1 s2 d -- i2 )
Creates a new message with the given message items and info string
and inserts it before the given message number in the message box.
Returns the message's number. [top]
MBOX-message ( refnum base dbref -- {strrange}
Returns the contents of the given message number in the message box as a range of strings. [top]
MBOX-msginfo ( refnum base dbref -- infostr )
Returns the info string of the goven message number in the message
box. [top]
MBOX-ref2num ( i s d -- i' )
Returns the absolute message number (the number assigned when the
message was created) for the message with base s on object
d with reference number i (the reference
number of a message is its current position in the message list). Note:
the first message created has absolute message number 0.
This is also the value that will be returned if no message at postion
i exists. Code that uses MBOX-ref2num should
include error checking to deal with this contingency. See also MBOX-num2ref and MBOX-ref2prop.
(Lib-Mesgbox) [top]
MBOX-ref2prop ( i s d -- s' d )
Returns the propterty name of message number i in the
message box with base s on object d. Note: The
first message created for a box, number 1, is stored in property
<base>#/0 (example: "1" "+news" trig
MBOX-ref2prop would return "+news/0#"
#123 ). This is also the the data that will be returned if message
i does not exist. Code that uses MBOX-ref2prop
should include error checking to deal with this contingency. See also MBOX-ref2num and MBOX-num2ref. (Lib-Mesgbox)
MBOX-num2ref ( i s d -- i' )
Returns the reference number (the current position in the message
list) for the message with base s on object d
that has the absolute number i (the number assigned when
the message was created). If no such message exits, 0 is
returned. See also MBOX-ref2num
and MBOX-ref2prop.
(Lib-Mesgbox) [top]
MBOX-setinfo ( refnum base dbref -- )
Sets the info string for the given message number in the message
box. [top]
A message is a set of associated list properties consisting of a `base'
(the list name), one or more `items' (lines in the list), `item strings'
(the strings stored in the list, usually holding players' dbrefs or
names), and an `information' string (the content of the message). Some
Lib-Mesg functions handle `string ranges': sets of strings adjacent on
the stack, followed by their count. Multiple, related messages are
stored in a propdir that constitutes a `message box'. Example:
str /msgs/1#/1:2
str /msgs/1#/2:3
str /msgs/1#/3:13
str /msgs/1#/i:This is the content of a message for players
with dbrefs #2, #3, and #13.
This message has three items (1, 2, and
3 ) holding the item strings "2",
"3", and "13" respecitively. Its base is
msgs/1. Its information string is "This is the
content of a message for players with dbrefs #2, #3, and #13."
The message is stored in message box msgs. [top]
MBOX-setmesg ( {strrange} infostr refnum base dbref --
Sets the given message number in the given message box to contain the given message items and info string. [top]
MSG-append ( s1 s2 d -- )
Appends message item s1 to the message with base
s2 on object d. (Lib-Mesg) [top]
MSG-count ( s d -- i )
Returns the number of items in message with base s on
object d. (Lib-Mesg) [top]
MSG-create ( range s1 s2 d -- )
Creates a new message with the items in a stringe range and the
information string s1, stored as list properties with base
s2 on object d.
Example: The following code reads list _staff from the
trigger action onto the stack as a range, and creates a message with the
contents of lvar ourString for each staff member.
"_staff" trig LMGR-Getlist (*read list onto stack as range*)
ourString @ (*put message on stack *)
"st-msgs/" dup trig LMGR-Getcount (*get next available line number*)
1 + intostr strcat (*use count to create message base*)
trig MSG-create (*create message, stored on trig*)
(*note: this same effect could be
achieved more efficiently with
MSG-append or MBOX-append*)
Assume that a staff memeber uses the stnews command
(#555 ) with the message "Please check `+read
17'"; that list _staff contains 5 lines, each
holding a staff member's dbref in string form (2, 3, 13, 99, and
244 ); and that there are currently two other staff messages. In
this case, the code would put the following values on the stack:
"2", "3", "13", "99", "244", 5, "Please check `+read 17'",
"st-msgs/3", #555
Then, MSG-create would be called, creating propdir
st-msgs/3#/, which other functions could use to relay the
message to staff members online, at log-in, or when they check staff
news. Ex #555 = st-news/3#/ would show the following
str /st-msgs/3#/1:2
str /st-msgs/3#/2:3
str /st-msgs/3#/3:13
str /st-msgs/3#/4:99
str /st-msgs/3#/5:244
str /st-msgs/3#/i:Please check `news staff'
The data passed to MSG-create would be cleared from the
stack. (Lib-Mesg) [top]
MSG-delitem ( i s d -- )
Deletes message item i from the message with base
s on object d. (Lib-Mesg) [top]
MSG-destroy ( s d -- )
Clears and removes the message with base s from object
d. (Lib-Mesg) [top]
MSG-info ( s d -- s2 )
Returns the information string for the message with base
s on object d. (Lib-Mesg) [top]
MSG-insitem ( s1 i s2 d -- )
Inserts a new message item with string value s1 at
position i into the message with base s2 on
object d. (Lib-Mesg) [top]
MSG-item ( i s d -- s2 )
Returns item number i from message with base
s on object d. (Lib-Mesg) [top]
MSG-message ( s d -- range )
Reads the items for the message with base s on object
d onto the stack as a string range. (Lib-Mesg) [top]
MSG-setinfo ( s1 s2 d -- )
Sets the s1 as the information string for message with
base s2 on object d. (Lib-Mesg) [top]
MSG-setitem ( s1 i s2 d -- )
Sets the value of item i in message s2 on
object do the the string value 1. (Lib-Mesg) [top]
.multi_rmatch ( d s -- d' ... d'' i )
returns all objects contained by object d whose name
matches string s, with the total number of successful
matches. the search string can include wildcard and grouping operators
such as those used by the smatch primitive. See also SMATCH. (lib-match) [top]
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.noisy_match ( s -- d )
Checks the room, objects in the room, the player, objects carried by
the player, and exits that the player may use for objects whose name
matches s, returning the dbref. Partial name strings will
work, provided that enough characters are specified to distinguish the
object from other similarly named objects. The function is `noisy' in
that it supplies explanatory messages for negative or ambiguous results.
If no matching object is found, #-1 will be returned, and
the string "I don't see that here!" will be printed to the
user's screen. If the match is ambiguous, #-2 will be
returned, and the string "I don't know which one you mean!"
will be printed. (Lib-Match) [top]
.noisy_pmatch ( s -- d )
returns the dbref of the player with name s. the player
need not be in the vacinity of the user, but the name must be supplied
completely (not case-sensitive). the function is `noisy' in that it
supplies explanatory messages for negative or ambiguous results. if no
matching player is found, #-1 will be returned, and the
string "i don't recognize anyone by that name." will be
printed to the user's screen. (lib-match) [top]
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A number of library functions handle `ranges': sets of related items
adjacent to each other on the stack. The documentation for these
functions uses the following terms:
- range:
- A set of related items on the stack, and their count. Example:
"mink" "otter" "linsang" 3
- count:
- The number of items in a range. The count of the range in the above
example is 3.
- offset:
- The number of stack items between the range and the parameters such
as `offset', `position', & `number'. That is, how `deep' in the stack
the specified range lies. Example: "mink" "otter" "linsang" 3
"wolf" The range of three items has an offset of 1.
- position:
- The position of the first item in a subrange within a range. The
first item in a range is at position 1. Example: "wolf" "mink"
"otter" "linsang" 3 Within this range, "mink" is at position 1,
"linsang" is at position 3, and "wolf" is at position 0.
- number:
- The number of items within a to handle (e.g., to copy or
- start:
- The first item in a range, farthest from the top of the
- end:
- The last item in a range, closest to the top of the stack.
REF-add ( d1 s d2 -- )
Adds dbref d2 to reflist s on object
d1. If d1 is already a member of the list, it
is moved to the final position in the list. REF-add does
not check to ensure that d1 is a valid dbref.
(Lib-Reflist) [top]
REF-allrefs ( d s -- d' ... d'' i )
Returns the contents of reflist s on object
d as a range of dbrefs (Lib-Reflist) [top]
REF-delete ( d1 s d2 -- )
Removes dbref d2 from reflist s on object
d1. (Lib-Reflist) [top]
REF-editlist ( i d s -- )
Puts the user in an interactive editor that allows dbrefs to be added
and removed from reflist s on object d. If
i is true, only player dbrefs may be added. If
i is false, objects of any type may be entered. In either
case, the editor rejects invalid dbrefs. The reflist must exists, and
all dbrefs contained in it must be valid. REF-editlist
displays the following header when the user enters the editor:
To add an object, enter its name or dbref. To remove an object,
enter its name or dbref with a ! in front of it. ie: `!button'.
To display the list, enter `*' on a line by itself. To clear the
list, enter'#clear'. To finish editing and exit, enter `.' on a
line by itself.Enter `#help' to see these instructions again.
(Lib-Reflist) [top]
REF-filter ( a d s -- d' ... d'' i )
Tests each dbref in reflist s on object d
in the filter function at address a, returning the those
for which the function returns true as a range of dbrefs. The filter
function (supplied by your code) should return 1 for true
or 0 for false.
Example: the following code tests the dbrefs in reflist
_members, stored on the trigger action, filtering out
garbage dbrefs and returning the others as a range.
: CheckRefs
ok? if 1 else 0 then
: GetMembers
trig "_members"
In function GetMembers, `CheckRefs (a function named joined with an apostrophe) puts a pointer to the CheckRefs function on the stack. The next line reads the reflist onto the stack. REF-Filter then tests each dbref in the list, using the test provided in CheckRefs: those dbrefs which are currently valid will be returned as a range.
REF-first ( d s -- d' )
Returns the first dbref in reflist s on object
d. (Lib-Reflist) [top]
REF-inlist? ( d1 s d2 -- i )
Returns true (1 ) if dbref d2 is a member of
reflist s on object d1, or false
(0 ) if it is not. (Lib-Reflist) [top]
REF-list ( d s -- s' )
Returns a string containing a comma-separated list of the names of
all objects with dbrefs in reflist s on object
d. (Lib-Reflist) [top]
REF-next ( d1 s d2 -- )
Returns the next dbref after d2 from reflist
s on object d1. If there are no dbrefs after
d1, #-1 is returned. (Lib-Reflist) [top]
A `reflist' is string, stored in a property, containing space- and
# octothorpe-delimited dbrefs, such as "#2 #3 #13
#3175 #244". A reflist will contain only one instance of any one
dbref. Like all strings stored in properties, a reflist is limited to
4096 characters (about 500 dbrefs). [top]
rinstring ( s1 s2 -- i )
Returns the position of the last occurance of s2 in
s1, case-insensitive. The same capability is provided by
primitive. (Lib-Strings) [top]
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safecall ( x d -- )
Calls program d, passing x (usually a
string) as an argument. This routine ensures no garbage is left on the
stack by the program called, and that the variables `me',
`loc', `trigger', or `command'
are unchanged: even if they are modified by program d, they
will have their original values after the program call. (Lib-Look)
setpropstr ( d s1 s2 -- )
Sets d's property s1 to the string value
s2, or removes prop s1 if s2 is a
null string. Similar capability is provided by the SETPROP primitive.
(Lib-Props) [top]
short-display ( d' ... d'' i -- )
Calls short-list for the range of dbrefs on the stack,
then prints "You see <contents string>" to the user.
Note: Contrary to documentation provided with
@view, short-display will crash if not passed
a range of valid dbrefs containing at least one member.
(Lib-Look) [top]
short-list ( d' ... d'' i -- s )
Returns a range of dbrefs as a space- and comma-separated string,
punctuated and formatted intellegently. For example, the contents of a
room might be returned as
"Kenya, Passiflora, PowerMac 7100, and Sign"
(Lib-Look) [top]
sr-catrng ( range1 range2 -- range )
Concatenates two ranges into one range. (Lib-Stackrng) [top]
sr-copyrng ( range ... offset number position -- range
... range2 )
Copies a subrange of number items out of a range in the
stack, beginning with the item at position. For
"a" "b" "c" "d" 4 0 3 2 sr-copyrng
would make take the 4-item stack "a" "b" "c" "d", and
copy from it, making a new, 3-item range, beginning with the second item
in the 4-item range.
"a" "b" "c" "d" 4 "b" "c" "d" 3
would be left on the stack. (Lib-Stackrng) [top]
sr-deleterng ( range ... offset number position --
range' )
Deletes a subrange of number items from a range on the
stack, beginning with the item at position. For
"a" "b" "c" 3 "d" 1 2 1 sr-deleterng
would delete 2 items, beginning with the first item in the range,
from the 3-item range. The range has an offset of 1: that is, there is 1
item ("d" ) between the range and the parameters for
sr-deleterng. This would leave
"c" 1
on the stack. (Lib-Stackrng) [top]
sr-extractrng ( range ... offset number position --
range' ... subrange )
Extracts a subrange of number items from a range in the
stack, beginning with the item at position. The subrange is
removed from the original range, and placed on top of the stack as a new
range. For example,
"a" "b" "c" "d" 4 0 2 2 sr-extractrng
would remove 2 items from the 4-item range, beginning with the second
item, leaving
"a" "d" 2 "b" "c" 2
on the stack. (Lib-Stackrng) [top]
sr-filterrng ( range function_address -- range'
filtered_range )
Passes each item in a range to the function at
function_address. If this function returns a non-zero
value, sr-filterrng removes that item from range and puts
it in filtered_range. The items in range may be of any
type. To determine the address of a function, preceed the function name
with an ` apostrophe. For example, the following code extracts the items
of type string from all items on the stack.
: StringTest
string? if 1 else 0 then
: PullStrings
depth `StringTest sr-filterrng
Calling PullStrings with
#123 "a" "b" 666 "c"
should leave
#123 666 2 "a" "b" "c" 3
on the stack. Unfortunately, this potentially useful function does
not work as advertised. The code above will actually leave
#123 "a" 666 3 "c" "b"
on the stack. (Lib-Stackrng) [top]
sr-insertrng ( range1 ... range2 offset position --
range )
Inserts a subrange into a range on the stack, between the items at
position and position + 1.
(Lib-Stackrng) [top]
sr-poprng ( range1 -- )
Removes a range from the stack. Also defined as popn in
lib-stackrng. The same capability is provided by the POPN primitive.
(Lib-Stackrng) [top]
sr-swaprng ( range1 range2 -- i range2 range1
Swaps two ranges on the stack, inserting a 0-length range before the
two ranges. There must be x items on the stack below
range1, where x is equal to the larger of
range1's count or range2's count. That is,
"" "a" "b" 2 "c" "d" "e" 3 sr-swaprng
would crash due to stack underflow, but
"" "null" "null" "null" "a" "b" 2 "c" "d" "e" 3 sr-swaprng
would put
"" "null" "null" "null" 0 "c" "d" "e" 3 "a "b" 2
on the stack. For this reason, it will often be necessary to copy a
`work space' range with sr-copyrng before using
sr-swaprng. (Lib-Stackrng) [top]
std-index-add ( d s1 s2 s3 -- d s1 s2 s3 i )
Like index-add, this routine adds name s2
and value s3 to index s1, stored on object
d. All four items are left on the stack unchanged, and
error code i is returned: 1 is `no
error: item added', 0 is `error: name already
a member of index; index unchanged'. See also Indexes and index-add . (Lib-Index) [top]
std-index-add-sort ( d s1 s2 s3 -- d s1 s2 s3 i
Alphabetically adds a name/value pair to an index, like
index-add-sort, but leaves all four items on the stack,
returning error code i: 1 is `no error:
item added', 0 is `error: name already a
member of index; index unchanged'. In theory, it should
add the name to the index in alphabetical order, but in practice and
like index-add, it simply adds the name to the end of the
index. See also Indexes and index-add-sort .
(Lib-Index) [top]
std-index-delete ( d s1 s2 -- d s1 s2 )
Removes name s2, and its associated value, from index
s1 on object d, with no error checking. All
three items are left on the stack unchanged. See also Indexes and index-delete . (Lib-Index)
std-index-envmatch ( d s1 s2 s3 -- d s1 s2' s4 i )
Performs an environment match like index-envmatch, using
the match criteria specified in paramater string s3.
Arguments d and s1 are left on the stack;
parameter string s3 is returned as null string
s4. See also Indexes and index-envmatch .
(Lib-Index) [top]
std-index-first ( d s1 s2 s3 -- d s1 s2' s4 )
Takes object to holding index (d ), an index name
(s1 ), and two null strings (s2 and
s3 ). Returns four items, with s2 being
replaced by s2', the first name in the index. See also Indexes and index-first . (Lib-Index) [top]
std-index-last ( d s1 s2 s3 -- d s1 s2' s4 )
In theory, takes object to holding index (d ), an
index name (s1 ), and two null strings (s2 and
s3 ), returning four items, with s2 being
replaced by s2', the last name in the index. In practice,
s2' will still be a null string. See also Indexes and index-last . (Lib-Index) [top]
std-index-match ( d s1 s2 s3 -- d s1 s2' s4 i
Performs a name match like index-match, using the match
criteria specified in parameter string s3. Arguments
d and s1 are left on the stack; parameter
string s3 is returned as null string s4. See
also Indexes and index-match .(Lib-Index) [top]
std-index-next ( d s1 s2 s3 -- d s1 s2' s3 )
Takes object holding index (d ), an index name
(s1 ), a name (s2 ), and a null string
(s3 ), returning the four items with s2
modified to s2', the name in the index immediately
following s2. See also Indexes and
index-next .(Lib-Index) [top]
std-index-prev ( d s1 s2 s3 -- d s1 s2' s3 )
Takes object holding index (d ), an index name
(s1 ), a name (s2 ), and a null string
(s3 ), returning the four items with s2 modified to s2', the
name in the index immediately preceding s2. See also Indexes and index-prev .(Lib-Index) [top]
std-index-remove ( d s1 s2 s3 -- d s1 s2 s3 i
Takes object holding index (d ), an index name
(s1 ), a name (s2 ), and a null string
(s3 ), and removes name s2 and its associated value from the
list. The four initial arguments and an error code are left on the
stack. See also Indexes and index-remove .(Lib-Index) [top]
std-index-set ( d s1 s2 s3 -- d s1 s2 s3 )
Adds a name/value pair to an index, with no error checking, like
index-set. All four items are left on the stack unchanged. See also Indexes and index-set .(Lib-Index) [top]
std-index-value ( d s1 s2 s3 -- d s1 s2' s4 )
Performs a match for name s2 in index s1 on
object d, using matching criteria specified in parameter
string s3. The dbref and index name are left on the stack
unchanged. Name s2 is returned in complete form (partial
matches are expanded). Returns the value associated with name
s3 as string s4. If the match was
unsuccessful, s4 will be a null string. See also Indexes and index-value .(Lib-Index) [top]
std-index-write ( d s1 s2 s3 -- d s1 s2 s3 i
Sets a value for an existing index member, like
index-write, but leaves all four items on the stack and
returns an error code. See also Indexes and index-write .(Lib-Index) [top]
.std_table_match ( x1 x2 sn pn ... s1 p2 i sm -- sx px
| x1 | x2 )
The standard table match takes i comparator/data pairs
in the same manner as .table_match, and performs a
SMATCH on each comparator, matching against string
sm. Comparators must be strings; it is not necessary to
supply a matching functin and its address. .Std_table_match
returns the comparator/data pair that matchs sm, or
x1 if no match was found, or x2 if more than
one match was found. See also .table_match and SMATCH. (Lib-Match) [top]
str-desc ( s -- )
Prints s as a description, matching the
`@###' and `@$prog' values properly, and uses
them with the present trigger value. If neither of these exist, or if
they are invalid, the string is simply printed. The string is not parsed
for MPI. (Lib-Look) [top]
STRasc ( s -- i )
Converts character s to its ASCII number
equivalent. The same capability is provided by the CTOI primitive.
(Lib-Strings) [top]
STRblank? ( s -- i )
Returns true if s null string or only spaces.
(Lib-Strings) [top]
STRcenter ( s i -- s )
Centers s in a field i characters wide.
"Welcome to " "muckname" sysparm 78 STRcenter .tell
...would display a welcome line including the name of the
MUCK centered for a standard screen. (Lib-Strings)
STRchr ( i -- s )
Converts ASCII code number i to its
character equivalent. The same capability is provided by the ITOC primitive. (Note:
the header document for Lib-Strings lists the name of this funtions as
STRchar, but this is incorrect: use STRchr .)
STRfillfield ( s1 s2 i -- s3 ]
Returns a string consisting of as many characters s2 as would be needed to concattenate with s1 to create a string i characters long. Useful for aligning columns of output.
me @ name " " 20 STRfillfield strcat
...would return...
"Jessy "
(Lib-Strings) [top]
STRleft ( s i -- s )
Returns s, padded with trailing spaces to a string
length of i characters. (Lib-Strings) [top]
STRright ( s i -- s )
Returns s, padded with leading spaces to a string
length of i characters. (Lib-Strings) [top]
STRrsplit ( s1 s2 -- s3 s4 )
Splits s1 on last occurence of delimiter string
"#add here=detail=chair" "=" STRrsplit
...would put...
"#add here=detail", "chair"
...on the stack. If s1 does not include s2,
s3 will be identical to s1 and s4
will be a null string. The same capability is provided by the RSPLIT primitive. See also STRsplit. (Lib-Strings) [top]
STRsts ( s -- s' )
Strips leading spaces from s. The same capability is
provided by the STRIPLEAD primitive.
(Lib-Strings) [top]
STRsls ( s -- s' )
Strip trailing spaces from s. The same capability is
provided by the STRIPTAIL primitive.
(Lib-Strings) [top]
STRsms ( s -- s' )
Strips multiple internal spaces from s.
"It's a long way to Tipperary" STRsms
...would return...
"It's a long way to Tipperary"
(Lib-Strings) [top]
STRstrip ( s -- s' )
Strips leading and trailing spaces from s. The same
capability is provided by the STRIP primitive.
(Lib-Strings) [top]
STRsplit ( s1 s2 -- s3 s4 ]
Splits s1 at the first occurence of delimiter string
"mink otter linsang" "otter" STRsplit
...would put...
"mink ", " linsang"
...on the stack. If s1 does not include s2,
s3 will be identical to s1 and s4
will be a null string. The same capability is provided by the SPLIT primitive. See also STRrsplit. (Lib-Strings) [top]
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.table_match ( x1 x2 cn pn ... c1 p1 i x3 address -- cx
px )
This function tests successive pairs of `comparator' and `data'
elements with a separate function (that you create), returning the pair
that (according to your function's criteria) `matches'. Although
.table_match is supplied as a matching function, it can
have other applications: the comparator/data pairs in effect constitute
a hash table, and the `matching' function can perform whatever
operations you require.
.Table_match takes parameters x1 — the
item to be returned if no match is found — and x2
— the item to be returned if more than one pair matches.
x1 and x2 can be of any type. Example:
#-1 and #-2 are the conventional items used to
indicate negative or ambiguous match results for objects of type dbref.
These parameters are followed by comparator/data pairs: the comparator
is the item to be tested for a match; the data item is a stack item
associated with the comparator. An integer specifying the number of such
pairs to be tested is then supplied, followed by the value
x3 — which will be used to test the match — and
the address of the testing function. The testing function should return
1 for true results and 0 for false results.
.Table_match returns the comparator/data pair that matches
(cx px ), or the paramters for negative or ambiguous results
(x1 or x2 )
Example: Suppose you want a function supplementing
.pmatch and .noisy_pmatch that can find
players by `nicknames', which are often set as a player's
%n property. One way (among many possibilities) to create
such a function would be to supply comparator/data pairs of players'
%n properties and their dbrefs, and calling
.table_match. The nickname to be matched is stored in
lvar ourString. Function GetPairs puts the
prop/dbref pairs and their count on the stack. Function
CheckNick performs a SMATCH, returning
1 if a comparator matches ourString, and 0 if
it does not. Code for calling .table_match might then look
like this:
#-1 #-2 GetPairs ourString @ `CheckNick .table_match
If a player calls the program with a search for "Dr.
Cat", and GetPairs returns three players who have
%n nicknames (and thus are candidates for possible matches)
the stack created by this code might have values such as the following
immediately before .table_match is called:
#-1, #-2, "the Scamper Gal", #2, "the terribly velvet-furred linsang",
#13, "Dr. Cat" #244, "Dr. Cat", `CheckNick
#-1 and #-2 are the codes
.table_match is to return for negative and ambiguous
matches. The next six items on the stack are three comparator/data
pairs: The dbrefs of players #2, #13, and
#244, paired with their nicknames. The next item (the
second occurance of string "Dr. Cat" ) is the string to be
matched, which was fetched from lvar ourString.
`CheckNick — a function name preceded by an
` apostrophe — is a pointer to the address for the
CheckNick function.
In this case, the results are not negative or ambiguous: one of the
players does have the nickname to be matched: player #244
is Dr. Cat. .Table_match would clear all the above data
from the stack, and return...
"Dr. Cat", #244
See also .std_table_match. (Lib-Match)
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unparse ( d -- s )
Returns the name of object d, concattenated with its
dbref and flags (such as "Bulletin Board(#177S)" ) if the
user controls object d. If the user does not control
d, or if the user is set Silent, only its name
is returned ("Bulletin Board" ). (Lib-Look) [top]
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when ( x -- )
Performs a TRUE|FALSE condition test within a
case statement. See header for lib-case. (Lib-Case)