4.3 Making Puppets
A puppet (or `zombie') is a player-like object of type thing, set up so
that it can move and act independently, relaying everything it sees and
hears to the controlling character.
In the strictest sense, all that is required to turn an object into a
zombie is to set its Z(ombie) flag. This will cause
it to relay messages, and to be treated as a zombie by programs which
distinguish between zombies and players. In practice, two other steps are
required to create a working puppet: locking and setting the puppet so that it
can be forced, and creating an action to control it. First, create the puppet
object. Since the puppet will often be in a different location than your
character, it's a good idea to give it a registered name as well. Then, set
its Z(ombie) flag.
> @create Squiggy == pup
Squiggy created with number 128629.
Registered as $pup
> @set squig = Z
Flag set.
Next, set the puppet's X(forcible) flag, and
force_lock it to you.
> @set squiggy = X
Flag set.
> @flock squiggy = me
Force lock set.
It would be possible to stop at this point, and use the
@force command to make the puppet do what you want.
> @force $pup =:jumps!
Squiggy jumps!
In practice, it will be more convenient to create an action that simplifies
frequent typing. Use an action name that's short and easy to type, and won't
conflict with other common exit names. `Z' is a frequently used
command name for controlling a zombie. Then, link the action to a do-nothing
program, lock it to a condition that always fails, such as
`me&!me', and set its fail with an MPI string that
forces the puppet.
> @act z = me
Action created with number 128630 and attached.
> @link z = $nothing
Linked to do-nothing.muf(#197FLM2)
> @lock z = me&!me
> @fail z = {force:$pup,{&arg}}
Message set.
'&arg' is a variable: it holds whatever was typed after
the command. If you typed `z :jumps!',
&arg would hold the string `:jumps!'. The fail
set on the control action would force the puppet with
> z :jumps!
Squiggy jumps!
> z out
Squiggy heads out to the park.
Squiggy has departed.
Squiggy> You head out to the park...
Squiggy> Alcot Park
Squiggy> A sweep of close-cropped green grass extends...
As indicated in the example above, output from the puppet is preceded
with the puppet's name, and a > greater than symbol to distinguish it
from your own output. This prefix string can be changed with the
@pecho command: @pecho <puppet object> =
<prefix string>
> @pecho squiggy = *
Message set.
> z look
*Alcaot Park
*A sweep of close-cropped grass extends...