5.2.6 Toading
The command for getting rid of players is @toad . The
syntax is:
@toad <player1> [ = <player2> ]
This turns the Player object for player1 into an object
of type Thing, and transfers ownership of all objects owned by
player1 to player2 . If player2
is not supplied, all objects owned by player1 will be
@chowned to the wizard issuing the @toad command.
The Thing object will retain all properties that were set on the player.
Occassionally you will need to toad players: sometimes for particularly
grave violations of the AUP, more often because the player wants to
leave the world or has simply stopped showing up and you want to reclaim
unused dbase space.
Some considerations:
As discussed in Section 5.1.4, Security
Concerns , Wizards should examine the properties of objects they
@chown . If you are @toading a large number
of players, or @toading a player with a large number of
objects, it's a very good idea to supply a non-wiz player for objects
to be @chowned to when @toading (perhaps an
NPC player object used just for this purpose). This is of
course espcially important if the player is being @toaded
as a disciplinary measure for security violations.
If you are @toading idle players to reclaim database
space, you will probably want to @recycle objects they
own as well. It is advisable to proceed cautiously here. The player
may have created rooms, actions, or things that are in public use.
So, examine objects as you proceed. It will be much easier to keep
track of which objects should be checked and potentially recycled if
— again — you use a dedicated NPC character
to @chown objects too when @toading .
If you are consistent about supplying this character as the second
argument to the @toad command, you can periodically review
objects owned by this player (@owned <player name> ),
and @recycle private objects previously owned by
@toaded players.
Players often ask to be @toaded when something online
upsets them. And, such players often change their minds. And, such
players aren't likely to be in a receptive frame of mind if you grill
them about whether they really want to leave. So... You can
make your life and theirs easier if you institute a "silent grace
period" policy. When players ask to be @toaded , just say
"OK", and let them leave with a minimum of fuss. But, instead of
actually @toading them at that point, give them a
new password and new name, and move them to a holding area. This way,
if they change their minds, they can come back easily... all you will
need to do is rename and repassword the character object. And, you
can take care of the database-related details of @toading
at your leisure. Periodically, you can review characters in the holding
area, and do an actual @toad on those who have been
gone for an appreciable period.
Fixing a mistake:
It is not all that hard to accidently @toad someone. If
you do, you can recreate the character exactly as it was, except for one
thing: You'll have to give it a new password. Hopefully, you have access
to the player's email address (see Record Keeping),
in which case, you can simply recreate the character and send email letting
the player know what happened and telling him or her the new password. If you don't
have their email address, recreate the character and wait for a grumpy Guest
to show up, demanding to know what happened to his or her character.
To recreate an accidentally slain character, copy all properties from the
slimy toad object to a temporary holding object (so that you can reapply
them to the new character), then recycle the slimy toad object and
immediately @pcreate a new character with the same name (so that the new
player will have the same dbref, which might be used in props and programs).
Then, copy the properties back from the holding object to the new character.
The `cp' and `mv' commands are the easiest way to
shift the properties around, but, be aware that they will not move wizard or
restricted properties unless the program is set Wizard ... And,
be aware that if you are using the `stock' version of cmd-mv-cp ,
you should not leave it set Wizard : doing so creates a
significant security hole. Two options: You can temporarily set
cmd-mv-cp Wizard , make your changes, and then set
cmd-mv-cp not-Wizard , or... you can install a
modified version of cmd-mv-cp (available here) that can safely be left at a
Wizard setting.