Good but Unreadable
: SomeFunction ( d1 s1 d2 s2 -- ) 4 pick 4 pick propdir? if 3 pick "*/" smatch not if 3 pick "/" strcat 3 put then else pop pop pop pop exit then dup "*/" smatch not if "/" strcat then 3 pick 5 rotate 5 rotate 5 rotate 5 rotate dup 5 rotate 5 rotate 5 rotate 5 rotate 4 pick 4 pick nextprop dup 4 put 5 rotate 5 rotate 5 rotate 5 rotate begin 4 pick 4 pick getprop if pop over 7 pick 7 pick swap subst 4 pick 4 pick 4 pick 4 pick 4 rotate 4 rotate getprop setprop 4 pick 4 pick nextprop dup not if break then dup 4 put 5 put else 4 pick 4 pick dup "*/" smatch if dup strlen 1 - strcut pop then over over nextprop not if pop pop break then nextprop dup 4 put 5 put then pop over 7 pick 7 pick swap subst repeat pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop ; All clear on what this function does? Probably not... In fact, it does do something specific and useful: it copies the contents of one propdir to another, omitting subdirectories, without disturbing the underlying stack or relying on variables. But, without some help from comments, it would take some doing to figure this out. |