2.0 Commands
Section 2 documents server commands and the user-created commands
provided in the standard start-up database.
2.1 Overview: Dbrefs, Names, Flags, Properties and Lists
All objects on a MUCK, of whatever type — Player,
Thing, Room, Exit, or Program — have a unique identifying number, a
`database reference number', or `dbref' for short. Multiple items may
have the same name. The type and behavior of all database objects are
determined by flags and properties. Both are ways of storing information
about the object. Of the two, flags control more basic or fundamental
aspects of the object. It might be helpful to think of flags as
something that determine what an object is and properties as
something that determine what features or attributes
and object has (a property is in many ways comparable to an `attribute'
on MUSH ). Multiple properties can be combined to form a
`list'... a collection of props that together act much like a file or