1.5.1 Describing Yourself
Until you describe yourself, people who look at you will see `You see
nothing special'. You can (and should) set what people see when looking
you by entering a description, or `desc' as it's usually called. The
syntax is @desc me = <description> .
A `straight desc' such as this is rather limited: the text remains
the same at all times, you won't know when someone looks at you, you'll
be limited to about twelve lines of text, and you can't divide the text
into paragraphs.
Later, you can use MPI and the list editor (a program
that lets you work with a `list', a series of props which together act
like a document) to create highly flexible descs that change in response
to the time of day, who's looking at you, what you're wearing or what
mood you're in, and so forth.
Many MUCKs have a user-created command that allows you
to `morph', or change descriptions with a succinct command. You may wish
to type morph #help to see if such a program is available
on your MUCK.
Most MUCKs also have an MPI macro that
notifies you whenever someone looks at you, called `look-notify'. To use
it, put {look-notify} — curly braces included —
anywhere in your description. For example:
@desc me = A nymph with green hair.{look-notify}